Thursday, March 24, 2011

I Wish...

I wish I could have a baby girl!
I wish our basement was finished so we could move Riley downstairs and let Tyler have Riley's room so he wasn't sleeping on the couch anymore (or in our bed!)
I wish I could stay home and not work anymore.
I wish I had perfect kids!
I wish I was a better mom (so I guess this is why I don't have perfect kids!)
I wish all my kids slept through the night...there hasn't been one night in the last month, and probably year, where both Ryan and I got a full night of sleep without one of the boys waking us up! Guess I should be thankful that I have kids though.
I wish I wasn't so negative, but I know that I am the one who can change this.
I wish it was spring break and we were on our way to Disneyland (9 days to go!)
I wish I had a clean, organized, decorated house! Well clean and organized would suffice! I wish I had the motivation to clean and organize and cook and do laundry!
I wish it was Spring outside with 70 degree weather where we could all go outside and play.
I wish I could do my hair as cute as Shari does it when she cuts it!
I wish...there will always be something to wish for!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Service Opportunity

So an old neighbor is in need of some help to collect recipes to create a cookbook for a fundraiser for her disabled daughter. The recipes need to be submitted by March 17. Please go to her blog, to click on the link to submit a recipe! It will just take you 5 minutes! Also, if you'd like to pass the info on to others, she would greatly appreciate it!