Sheree went to the doctor today and now measures 31cm which is a 5cm improvement, but she is still little. The doctor will do another ultrasound on December 31 and if my fluid is below a 5, then they are going to take the baby, which will be 3 weeks early. AHHH, a new years baby isn't what we planned so hopefully relaxing over the holiday will do the trick! Only one more day of school and then we're out for 2 weeks!
Riley has been doing amazing! Since Thanksgiving, he has only hit someone at school ONCE! This is awesome for him and we are so proud of him for finally learning to control his aggression! He knows that if he hits at all, doesn't matter who or for what reason, that he loses games for that day and he lives for his video games! Currently, he is loving playing Indiana Jones 2...we mastered Super Mario for the Wii!
Tyler was sick last week and got an ear infection. The only person who he will let give him medicine is Riley so that has been fun to watch Riley be a good big brother and coax Tyler to take his medicine. He has fought going to the daycare all week so we are so looking forward to our break!
Ryan has been healthy and busy with work. He had his work party this afternoon and ate at the Red Iguana in Salt Lake and then went to race gocarts with his colleagues. Unfortunatly he hasn't been riding his bike but hopefully soon. He did put together our half crib for the baby in our room so that is all ready to go! And he has had tons of fun shoveling the snow off the driveway!