My parents flew in Monday morning so we spent Mon-Thursday at both parks. It actually got hot on Monday and Tuesday, high 70's and we were hot enough to go on the river rafting ride so that was fun. The first group hardly got wet, but the second group (Ryan and Riley) got soaked!!! We were able to do everything that the boys wanted. Brock loved it and did really well in his stroller. He had a hard time standing in the 50 minute Toy Story wait (which we did everyday cause that is our favorite ride!). In the afternoon we would let him walk and he would only go one direction, so when you would get him and take him back, he would venture off in the exact same direction dodging in and out of crowds! He loved to see all the characters and loved PlayHouse Disney even though he wouldn't sit still! Got a great picture of Riley holding him!

Riley was such a big help which made things easy. In fact, all the boys behaved and it was a ton of fun and not as stressful as it was over UEA. (Lesson learned: don't go to Disneyland over UEA! The joke is it stands for Utah enters Anaheim, and yep, I think that's true!) We just love Disneyland so much! In June 3 new rides are opening up: the Little Mermaid, Goofy's Sky School and the redone Star Tours. Then somtime next year, the new cars land opens up so I guess we will have to wait until all this is open before we go back again, which will be hard for us to do!
Below are some fun pictures!

Jedi Training was anothe hilight of the trip. 2 years ago when we went and Riley found out about it, we had to wait through 3 or 4 shows and finally on the last show, he was one of the kids picked! Well this time around Tyler wanted to be picked, but guess who got picked for the first show...Riley! So thank goodness Tyler didn't want to wait through another show, so we only had to do this once! But we would have gladly tried for Tyler. Even Riley was a big helper trying to get Tyler picked!

The boys loved every ride and the rider switch is the way to go with a baby so we could do everything in 2 groups. Riley especially loved this cause he usually got to ride both times! World of Color was fun to watch again as well. It's just so much fun to go and you definitely feel like a kid again!
We took the boys to Downtown Disney and they each got a Lego and a Build-a-Bear. Even Sheree got one! It's the downtown Disney bear and has mickey cute! Sheree's parents were a big help as well and hopefully they still had fun! We are definitely looking forward to going to Orlando with them in October!! We sure feel lucky to be able to do all this and love our family vacations!
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