Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Please pray for our baby!!!

Today was not such a great day....Sheree had a routine doctor visit and measured 26 cm which is smaller than normal. Since this was the 2nd small measurement, the doctor wanted an ultrasound. The fluid level is low, it is at a 2 and should be at least a 5 (what these numbers mean I don't know) but worse yet is that the baby isn't growing like he should. He is measuring 2- 2 1/2 pounds (which is not even on the normal percentile charts) and should be 3-3 1/2 pounds. As you can see I only have 8 weeks left to incubate and so the worry is there. They gave me steroid shots to help the baby's lungs develop in case they have to take him early because of fluid levels. I have another ultrasound on Monday with the technicians so hopefully all will be resolved by then. So, we are asking for additional prayers on our behalf so that the baby will grow normally and that Sheree and family can have peace of mind knowing that all will be well!

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