Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Latest Happenings

January was a tough month...very long, cold and not a lot of sunshine.

*Riley struggled at school - had more bad days than good days both at home and at school. We have put him back on a strict behavior chart and since that was implemented we have had 6 good days in a row. Hopefully it continues until he goes off track at the end of this month! He's done really well playing basketball and has really enjoyed that! He loves to read and is currently reading the Fudgemania series and Harry Potter.

*Tyler had an ongoing ear infection that still hasn't gone away. In fact we went to the ENT yesterday and they tested his hearing and he's not even hearing out of his left ear! So on Feb. 18, he will have tubes put in. He went back to Sheree's schools daycare and has loved being back in that familiar territory. He knows how to spell his name and can't wait until he's 5 when he can finally go to Riley's school! I'm hoping that when that time comes a year and a half from now, that he'll still want to go to Kindergarten! He's looking forward to his Valentine's party on Monday. And he has pink eye for the 3rd time in 2 months! Noone else in our family has gotten it...just Tyler!

*Then Brock got really sick with what we thought was just an ear infection, but in fact had pnemonia on his birthday! A week later he was majorly fussy until his first tooth came in! He is also now at Sheree's schools daycare and that was an adjustment. I really think he missed his other daycare. He loves to push things around to help him walk but he will rarely stand on his own and doesn't care to walk without pushing things. He's still not sleeping through the night and that is really frustrating Ryan and I.

*Ryan tries to get out each Saturday to ride his bike. The crits start in March and he's hoping to be able to do those on a weekly basis. Hopefully I'll be nice and let him! We did get some exciting news from my parents to start training Ryan to run the accounting part of my dad's business. It's funny cause it came after Riley had a really tough week and said he didn't like his school and wanted to move, so I said okay it's time for a change, lets move. Then that week my mom mentioned it in a phone call and I'm thinking ok, let's move. Well now Riley doesn't want to move, but only time will tell what comes of everything. The older our kids get, the harder it is to have us both working. Like I said before, it's hard being a parent. Seriously wonder if I would have done all this if I would have known how hard it was going to be. Here's to hoping February has more good days than bad! So far we're off to a good start!

1 comment:

  1. Man, sounds like you have had a rough month at your house. I feel your pain!! I also think back to how naive I was about parenting when we had our first 3. I watch my clients with their newborns and they talk about how hard it is, and I really want to tell them to enjoy it now since that's the easy part!! I am starting to see a light at the end of the tunnell though, and feel like alot of the hard work is starting to show and pay off. And that would be so great if you guys moved up here!
