Friday, July 23, 2010

Back to School!?

So Riley started 2nd grade this past week and LOVED it! Can you believe it!? He was excited to go, went for 3 days and not ONE problem! It's a miracle!!! He got a letter from his teacher, Ms. Wilson, before school started that said they would be doing gummy bear math (btw, math is favorite subject!) and so all he'd talk about was being excited to go and do that. Ryan took him in the morning and walked him in and Riley was on cloud 9. Ms. Wilson greeted him and asked him why Ms. Caldwell (the principal) and Ms. Fredericks (the asst principal) said that she would love having Riley in class and he was just beaming! So glad that we got off to a good start and that he couldn't wait for school the next day! He said that Ms. Wilson said they aren't allowed to have any fun in the 2nd grade but they all are! He's excited about pencil points and earning AR points. We read a lot, so he should get a lot of points!This is definitely a change from last year and one that we hope keeps happening. I am sure that there will be bumps in the school year, but for now we are enjoying the good days! Here are some fun pictures from his first day.

p.s. Ryan was excited to take him and said that he did a good job taking pictures of Riley that day too and couldn't wait for me to see and of course I approve! :)

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